There’s been a lot of upheaval in my personal life recently. Health issues for loved ones, a big move on the horizon, and my own continued journey to improved health, not to mention all the external uncertainties our society and our planet are facing.
In times like these, it’s so easy for me to go back to my old ways of coping (hellloooo Netflix, chocolate, and whiskey). It’s even easier to dive into work, in order to feel “productive” and to not feel those pesky feelings that come along with all the What Ifs.
My brain, like everyone’s, is wired for fear and nothing provokes fear like uncertainty. One of the things I’ve been doing to stay grounded is spending time in Redwood Regional Park, one of my favorite places in Oakland.
Now and again, it is necessary to seclude yourself among deep mountain and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life. ~ Morihei Ueshiba |
While there earlier this week, I communed with the trees. The morning fog had lifted, and the air had the crispness of fall. I moved slowly. I took time to feel the chi energy all around me. I noticed the subtleties; the smell of dusty redwood earth, the sound of fallen leaves beneath my feet, the playful way the light filtered though the varied branches.
It was a pause to take a breath, physically and spiritually. It was a little bit of space to examine my thoughts, and the emotions that result from them. It was a gift of mercy to myself during a trying time.
Even though today is a typical late September day in the Bay (read: hot!!), the sun is making noticeable moves for winter. The days are shorter and we are reminded that a new season is nigh. As we reap the results of our early year efforts (some good, some maybe not as good), it is time to begin the journey inward to prepare for the coming months and year ahead.
Do you need to reset in order to gain clarity on your next moves?
What shifts can you make right now to move in your desired direction?
Do you need more head space just to find that direction?
(I’d love to hear about in the comments below, btw…)
There are just ten days remaining to register and only two spots left for my weekend retreat, Mercy at Mercey.
If you (or, ahem, a friend) are looking for a little head and heart space to prepare for the year ahead, I invite you to join us for what is sure to be a magical weekend.
Learn more about the retreat here, or schedule a quick, complimentary Discovery Call to see if it’s right for you. Registration closes September 30th.
I love hearing from you. What shifts are you making to prepare for the coming year? What do you need? What do we need as a society?
We are all in this together.