The Only Way Out Is Through
From Limitation to Liberation
Shed Your Capricorn Conditioning to Unleash Your Genius Aquarian Weirdness Live and in person in Santa Fe, NM with renegade astrologer Emily Trinkaus, Sunday, October 6, 10am-3pm Our first retreat was such a fantastic and fun success we’re doing it again! A women’s...
Activate Your Liberation
I dunno about you but I am sick to death of being the good girl. Sick of playing by the rules of a game that was never intended for me to win, only to keep you and me on the hamster wheel of doom, ever striving for validation outside of ourselves. Sick of wearing the...
Honoring the Holding Pattern
I sense – and I’m sure you do, too – that great change is on the approaching horizon. I lean towards it and feel the thud of the glass wall – the bell jar - that encases me. It’s the holding pattern. And I am in it. You know you're in a holding pattern when you crave...
Vision Quest Part 3: Letting Go to Receive What Is
Letting Go to Receive What Is After cruising through southern Colorado, visiting Mesa Verde, soaking in the Durango Hot Springs and cresting Wolf Creek Pass, I was finally heading towards my home state of New Mexico. I intended to make my way to Wild Rivers Recreation...
Vision Quest Part 2: A Canyon of Grief
A Fleeting Life, A Canyon of Grief After a solid week in a sea of orange sandstone and pale sagey green, my body and soul were ready for a cooler, more verdant experience. The overriding intention for my quest into the unknown was to practice tuning in more deeply to...
Vision Quest Part 1: Becoming Spider Woman
Becoming Spider Woman in the Utah Desert I turned 50 last month. It was not the birthday I had envisioned some years back. I didn’t dress up as that 50 year old SNL character. I wasn’t surrounded by friends wearing wigs, drinking cocktails and being outrageously...
Sacred Intimacy
The life-healing power of Sacred Intimacy As a highly sensitive, moon-in-Scorpio gal I have craved intimacy my entire life. You could even say I’ve been chasing it, but rarely catching it. I’m talking about the seeing-deeply-into-your-soul kind of intimacy that you...
What the snake told me
The last years for all of us have been Powerful. Potent. Painful, even. The collective is dancing with Grief. Loss. Transformation. Transmutation. Ascension isn’t necessarily an easeful process. And as below, so above. As without, so within. You’re probably feeling...
Grief, Courage and Willingness. Goodbye 2022.
Looking back and feeling forward. At the end of each year, I reflect on where we've been as I tune into the energies in the field to get a sense of where we're going. Last year was one of the most challenging years of my life. I know I'm not alone in that. Perhaps...
Honor the dead with your one precious life
This is the month of the ancestors. The time when the veil thins, when the whispers of the past call us towards the unwritten future. Just above the laptop screen, I see my ancestor altar. It’s time to add another photo, another story, another life to honor. We get to...
Standing at the edge of the void
I normally keep this kind of stuff to myself, but recently a friend encouraged me to share this vision with my community.
Around the time of the fall equinox, I was doing some business planning with my cohort in the biz coaching program I participate in. All was well as I reflected on the previous season and the inner and outer accomplishments, lessons and growth I could celebrate.
Living your purpose is scary.
You live in a world where a good number of folks don’t even believe that they or you or anybody has a purpose. While greasing the wheels of capitalism is certainly one purpose we all share, it doesn’t exactly leave you with a lasting or meaningful sense of...