The Only Way Out Is Through
Bridging the Head and the Heart
The Mind, Decisions, and Duality The mind may be our greatest gift and also lead to our greatest undoing. Sometimes it feels like my mind is at war with my heart. We live in a time and place where the mind has become the most esteemed and revered part of...
Do You Make Time For Yourself?
Are you willing to make time for yourself? Are you 100% content with the direction your life is taking? Do you feel like your comfort zone has gotten a little too tight? Are you craving a deeper connection with your intuition? Do you need a little more head...
Intuition, huh?
Intuition, huh! What is it good for? Absolutely everything! What is intuition? Intuition is your very own internal GPS system. Within each of our (oftentimes) messy minds and beautiful bodies lies a super power. A navigational system so precise, it puts Google...
Independence and Suicide (Reconciling my teacher’s death)
Independence and Suicide (Reconciling my teacher’s death) Sunday morning, an hour before opening Inner Sanctuary, I checked my email and found a note from my PSYCH-K® teacher. He was saying goodbye. Over the last year and a half, he had shared with me...
Self-Compassion Is Damn Hard Sometimes
It Ain't Always Easy To Be Kind To Yourself Despite our best efforts, taking solid care of our emotional, spiritual, and psychological selves can be damn hard sometimes. In life, some of the only things I can guarantee you (besides an end to it all) is that there will...
Being Grounded In Your Truth
To be “grounded in our truth” is to know our truth, speak our truth, and act on our truth. Sometimes it’s not so easy to do. Take some pointers from the mighty sequoia to live wholly and fully out loud.
Is Your Story Is Out To Get You? Change Your Story!
Ever feel like your stories are trying to kill you? What's your story? And can you change your story? In my world, your story is the set of conditioned beliefs that you believe to be true. These are the beliefs that you inherited from countless generations...
Finding Balance on The Full Crow Moon
Why is finding balance so challenging sometimes? Like now, for instance. We've been cooped up for months. Long nights. Cold days. Hibernating, watching Netflix, drinking and eating more. We're stir crazy. And beneath it all, there's this feeling of new...
Is Your Passion Project Collecting Dust?
Hey, does this ever happen in your world? Got any passion projects you can't seem to get off the ground? You know what you want to be doing with your time and energy, you’ve got the skills and know-how to get it done, you're super excited about it, but somehow...
Everybody’s Got a Hungry Heart
We humans are a curious bunch. Our brains and bodies are neurologically and biologically wired for connection. We need it, we want it, and we can’t live – like, really live – without it. We’re hungry for it. At the center of this hunger is the heart. So intrinsic to...
Self-Acceptance Changes Everything
We all do, say, and think cringe-worthy stuff from time to time. We’ve done it in our personal lives, we’ve done it at work, we’ve done it the dinner table. I know I’ve spent A LOT of mental and emotional energy in the past, hashing and rehashing something I said (or...
2018. A Conflagration in Review.
Is hope possible? 2018 saw massive upheaval. We stood on shifting sands. We burned alive, trying to escape. The survivors breathed in and choked on our remains. The monstrous, racist head of nationalism rose up the world over. And in this precious moment, hundreds of...