The Only Way Out Is Through
I go dark in December.
I go dark in December. (My shadows come out to play.) Even though true winter arrives in a few weeks, it feels like we’re there already. Cold, long nights make for easier sleep and set the stage for looking inward. I used to go dark this time every year. I would sink...
Mindset Mastery
What is Mindset Mastery, you ask? Mastery is all about awareness, alignment, and action. Step 1 is always awareness. We have to become aware of our thought patterns, because they create emotional responses, which lead directly to our actions and what we perceive to be...
Why We Meditate (Try not to hate, Love your mate)
Like so many others who come to meditation, I was curious about the health benefits, and seeking respite from an overactive mind. I remember crying to a friend that it was only during my meditation period that I could feel any sense of peace or calm in my life. It was...
Heartbreak, Betrayal, and Loss
How We Live With an Open Heart During Uncertain Times Life can be prickly sometimes. We brush up against some uncomfortable edges now and again. Some tongues have razors. Some people are steamrollers. Sometimes it’s just bad luck. We fight. We lie. We...
A Moment of Mercy
There’s been a lot of upheaval in my personal life recently. Health issues for loved ones, a big move on the horizon, and my own continued journey to improved health, not to mention all the external uncertainties our society and our planet are facing. In times...
Don’t Be An Ass
Why are we so silly sometimes, insisting on schlepping our burdens for months, years, decades? When, unlike this poor beast, we have the choice to simply set them down? Why do we struggle? I’d say that by the time I was 11 years old, I was definitely a little ass. My...
Perfectionism Nearly Killed Me
Perfect isn’t just the enemy of the good – it’s the enemy of YOU. I used to describe myself as “particular” or “detail-oriented.” I was steadfastly focused on the big stuff and also the minutia. Everything mattered. To say I was tight and controlling was an...
Self-Care Ain’t Always Self-Love
I talk a lot more these days about self-love and self-care than I ever used to. I often am asked what the difference is between the two. The term “Self-Care” gets thrown around frequently, and you see it more and more in advertising as a hook, which can make me a...
Embracing Your Fear – Part 3 of 3
Thanks for playing along; we’re really making some progress! We’ve been working through Walking With Fear (Part 1 of 3) and Talking With Fear (2 of 3). You ready to get this thing done? Alright! For me, just hearing or seeing those words – Embracing Your Fear - can...
Talking With Fear – Part 2 of 3
In my last post, we talked about how fear can keep you in a stinkhole of suffering, and I touched briefly on the effects that living in fear-based survival mode has on your autonomic nervous system. The ANS controls most of the processes involved in keeping you alive,...
Walking With Fear – Part 1 of 3
Worry, anxiety, and fear seem to predominate these days. All of us are under a seemingly mounting pile of work and responsibility, and an increasing drive for that greener grass in the distance (a better life, new relationship, emotional freedom, successful business,...
2017! What a Kick in the Pants
Wow! 2017! What a kick in the pants. We were ravaged. Here in the United States: Houston. Soaked in a Superfund slurry. US Virgin Islands. Demolished. Puerto Rico. An unconscionable humanitarian crisis, despite all the paper towels tossed their way....