The Only Way Out Is Through
Things I’m not supposed to talk about (Shame on me)
I never realized the role shame played in my life until I took a deep dive into emotional healing. My healer encouraged me to read Brené Brown, and her book, Rising Strong, cracked open the veil. It was with amazement, sadness, and a touch of horror that I realized...
Why Women Can’t Have it All
Wait. What?! They told us we could have successful careers, earn Wife of The Year Award while simultaneously raising productive families, being upstanding community members, and feeling completely fulfilled. That’s the dream of the (Post-) Modern Woman, right? ...
Mr Gorbachev, Tear Down Those (Heart) Walls!
Or… Why we need to stop building (heart) walls. Ah, the heart wall. As a highly sensitive person, I’ve gone through most of my life feeling like I’ve got to have my armor on. You know that feeling, right? You’re never quite sure where the next jab, or...
Supplements I can’t go without
Our bodies have different needs at different times. As we age, we may need digestive support in the way of enzymes. Or hormonal support as, ahem, things start to change. How we eat will affect our neurotransmitters, and stress can deplete the body of precious minerals...
Staying Grounded When Shit Hits the Fan
These be some trying times, ain’t they? In our personal lives, we are seeing friends and family breaking down. So many fans covered in so much shit. And politically, culturally, globally, locally, it feels like shifting sands underfoot. Many of us are tuning in...
Miracle Morning: Or, How I keep from going batshit crazy
About a year ago or so I read the Miracle Morning for Network Marketers, by Hal Elrod. I have always loved the morning and taking time in the early hours of the day to get my head on straight. I had no idea there was a whole process that all "highly successful people"...
What 2016 Left Behind
I heard many saying good riddance to 2016 because, for a lot of us, this past year really kicked our asses. In so many ways, however, 2016 brought to bear many powerful gifts, disguised though they may have been. For me, 2016 was the year for learning. I cannot even...
Self-Care for Dummies
Self-Care For Dummies, aka For The Old Me. The New Me Is Learning How! What is this Self-Care thing, you ask? Is it massages and pedicures, spa dates and shopping trips? Did I hear you say it sounds like something for rich folks? Well, you’re only half right....