Do You Make Time For Yourself?

Are you willing to make time for yourself?


Are you 100% content with the direction your life is taking?

 Do you feel like your comfort zone has gotten a little too tight?

 Are you craving a deeper connection with your intuition?

 Do you need a little more head and heart space in your life?



If these questions strike a nerve, it might be time to retreat.


We are all creatures of habit, living each day much like the day before. It can be a real yawn sometimes. We can get stuck in those habits that are comfortable because they are known – and yet they’re really uncomfortable because we’re not growing.


By pulling back from your regular life, you create the space to listen to your inner guidance. It’s a great time to take a mental inventory to reassess where you’re at right now.


When considering a retreat, ask yourself:

What’s going great for me right now?

What can I learn from where I’ve been?

What do I want more of in my life?

What am I ready to let go of?

Am I willing and open for change?


A retreat can help you reset and recalibrate your inner compass and get you moving in the direction that lights your fire.


A retreat is also about communing with others. While we may all take a retreat for different reasons, there’s always something to be learned from those you retreat with. We all have a unique lens through which we see the world, and retreats give us a rare and intimate view through another’s lens.


A retreat allows us to take that much needed step back from the fullness of our lives to see the bigger picture. We’re reminded of our priorities and allowed the opportunity to course correct if we realize we’ve gone astray.


These are all great reasons to go on retreat.


But the best reason? Everything you want and need is within you. All you have to do is create the space to look inside. Ask the right questions and allow the answers to arise. Retreats make that process a whole lot easier. 


If you’re feeling ready to make some head and heart space for yourself,
then please join us for Gathering Gold, a Full Moon Weekend Retreat.

October 11-13, 2019
Alamo, CA
More details here.